Are You Willing?

"Do you know what a smokescreen is? If I don't play some tricks, won't I be led by the nose by you?!" The fake Luo Cheng snorted.

With that, Luo Cheng shouted with his internal energy, "We came according to the agreement. Is this how you treat guests? Whoever calls the shots, come out. Otherwise, I'll leave now!"

Before long, a woman walked out with a group of people.

"Mr. Luo has come from afar. Please don't be angered by our rudeness!"

As Luo Cheng looked at the woman in front of him, he immediately frowned.

"Yu Baifeng, it's actually you? What did you do to my uncle? To think that he took good care of you all these years. Unexpectedly, he had been taking care of a venemous ingrate!"

When Yu Baifeng heard Luo Cheng's words, the expression on her face didn't change.