Chapter 11: You don't deserve it!

Sophie Allen said goodbye to Henry Hudson and didn't return to the Stardust Garden after leaving the hospital. Instead, she headed to a residential area.

This neighborhood was close to Ryan Richard's university, where he had bought a one-bedroom apartment, in which he usually lived alone.

Her purpose of finding Ryan was not to argue with him, but to get back her belongings: her perfume formulation and original creative design.

Standing in front of the apartment door, she knocked, but no one inside responded.

Sophie knew the passcode, so she simply entered the apartment and headed straight to the bedroom, where she found Ryan's safe.

Ryan was the heir of the Richard Corporation, but the company had a fixed board of directors. For Ryan to inherit the company, he had to pass the scrutiny of the board.

The board members were all savvy, and if Ryan didn't achieve significant results, he could be marginalized by them.

The creation of a new fragrance was Ryan's idea.

Ryan took advantage of her to develop a new scent, asked her to help design the perfume bottle, and even promised her a proposal once the perfume became a hit, and he had taken the seat of CEO of Richard Corporation, so she could proudly become the young mistress of the Richard Corporation.

Fooled by Ryan's tenderness, Sophie blindly did all the hard work for him. If it were not for Emily Allen revealing this, she didn't know how long she would be oblivious!

As she was about to leave the apartment with her original design, a noise came from the front door.

"Ryan~ don't rush~" a woman's voice echoed, exaggeratedly flirtatious.

Sophie quickly hid in the cabinet.

The cabinet door was a jalousie design so she could see what was happening outside.

Ryan stormed into the room carrying a voluptuous woman, and in no time, they were entangled on the bed.

Sophie held her chest tightly, her clear eyes wide open.

This woman was not Emily, but Ryan's classmate, presumably called Jessica Taylor.

"Oh Ryan, it's been a while since you spent time with me. Who were you with recently?" Jessica hugged Ryan's neck and playfully asked, "Was it Emily? Or Lily Thompson, Georgia Watson, Annabelle Anne...."

Sophie knitted her brows tightly, a nauseating feeling washed over her, making her feel a turmoil inside.

She never expected that Ryan not only cheated on her with Emily but also flirted around with many other girls.

What a time management master he was!

"Jessica, mentioning other girls is a turn-off. Tonight, I have to accompany Emily. Let's make it quick!" Ryan urgently shouted.

Sophie covered her mouth, witnessing the nauseating scene right in front of her.

Thinking about the deception Ryan made for two years, she wouldn't let him off the hook so easily!

After ten minutes, at the most crucial moment for the man, Sophie rushed out with her phone and began recording the couple on the bed.

"Aah!" Jessica was scared out of her wits, shrieking and yelling.

Ryan's looks turned pale instantly. The unexpected twist caught him off guard.

Especially the feeling of instantly losing his strength was unbearably painful.

"Sophie! What are you doing here!" he pointed at her, his face was getting angry.

Sophie put down her phone, satisfied with the video she just recorded. She coldly stared at Ryan and said, "Why am I here? I am here to get my stuff."

"You...." Seeing the documents in her hand, Ryan reveled an evil expression, a far cry from his previous gentleness, "Sophie, your formulation and design are useless now. The perfume has already started production."

Sophie was taken aback, feeling as though her heart was being ripped apart, leaving her breathless.

"I've fed a dog with my sincerity for two years, Ryan Richard, you are a dog!" Sophie screamed.

"Ryan, hurry up and grab her phone. She recorded us," Jessica, wrapped in a blanket, anxiously tugged Ryan's arm.

Ryan jumped off the bed without thinking to wear his clothes, and charged at Sophie. With a swift move, she lifted her leg and gave him a strong kick.

"Ouch--" Ryan rolled on the ground, grimacing in pain.

"Ryan Richard, listen to me. Stop the production immediately. If my perfume is on the market, I'll release this video of you two," Sophie's teeth gritted, shaking with anger.

Ryan, clenching his teeth and contorting his face with pain, yelled, "Sophie, wait and see. I won't let this go! If you apologize nicely, I can still be your boyfriend--"

Sophie let out a mock laughter, how could she ever like a bastard like that?

She lifted her leg and hit him again with a heavy blow.

Unable to yell out this time, Ryan's face turned ghostly pale, his body twitched uncontrollably.

"You don't deserve it!"

Leaving these words behind, she stormed out of the room.