Chapter 9: The Toad Husband

Sophie Allen rushed off hastily towards the Allen family home.

"Mia Stewart, where on earth have you hidden Aunt Watson?" She burst into the living room, her eyes red, demanding an answer.

Mia Stewart used to be a female actress.

Even at her age nearing fifty, she maintains herself very well, in terms of both her physique and her looks, resembling a young woman in her thirties.

She was lounging on the sofa and in a strange voice assured, "Don't worry, that old woman is under the care of a nurse. These days she'll undergo physical rehabilitation, and if things seem stable on your end we'll arrange for her surgery after a month."

"What if you're lying to me? I need to know which hospital Aunt Watson is in right now! Only after I have confirmed Aunt Watson's situation can I feel relieved," Sophie Allen coldly pressed for answers.

Mia Stewart's expression changed, she hadn't expected Sophie Allen to be so pestering.

That old woman Scarlett Watson was already seriously ill, she didn't want to waste large sums of money on surgery!

Mia Stewart was just thinking about how to dodge the issue, when at that moment, sounds emerge from the staircase area:

"Sophie Allen, you can't wait to run back to your family's home on the second day after your wedding. Was it because that toad in Stardust Garden is too ugly?"

The sound of footsteps grew louder as they approached.

Emily Allen, clad in a sexy strap nightdress, came running over and began to scrutinize Sophie Allen from head to toe.

"I have already agreed to your terms, so please abide by your commitments!" Sophie Allen simply ignored Emily Allen's words, clenched her teeth, and tried to maintain her cool.

Emily Allen hated the air of aloofness Sophie had put on. She raised her hand, and with a slap, hit Sophie squarely on the face.

With a loud "slap," the sound echoed throughout the living room.

Sophie Allen covered her face, a fiery pain spreading from her cheek while a ringing noise filled her ears.

"Sophie Allen, I asked you, isn't your sickly husband as ugly as a toad?" Emily Allen turned her wide eyes onto Sophie, her teeth bared in ridicule.

"If you like him so much, why don't you go marry him?" retorted Sophie Allen sarcastically.

"Such an ugly thing, I don't even want to see it." Emily Allen made a face of disgust, and proudly boasted, "I have Ryan who loves me, he is the gentlest man in the world."

At the mention of Ryan Richard's name, Sophie Allen's delicate face went ashen, and the slap mark became even more prominent.

Seeing that she had hit Sophie's sore spot, Emily Allen was elated and sneered. "Next week is my twentieth birthday, my parents will hold a banquet for me, and Ryan will publicly announce our love and our engagement."

"Sophie Allen, you and your sickly husband should come and join us!"

Sophie Allen ignored Emily Allen, instead turning her hateful gaze to Mia Stewart and demanded again: "I will ask you one more time, which hospital is Aunt Watson staying in?"

"Charlotte, you need to calm down a bit." Ethan Allen entered the living room, hearing Sophie Allen's angry voice. His eyes darted here and there as he quickly went to soothe her.

The sight of him brought bitter tears to Sophie's eyes.

He was her biological father, who stood aside as she was thrown out of her home at the tender age of four and then turned his back on her for over a decade.

Had it not been for Aunt Watson, she would've starved to death a long time ago.

"Your Aunt Watson is indeed hospitalized, and has a nurse taking care of her. It's a good hospital, I'm not lying to you. Just be a little more quiet this month, don't provoke your Aunt Fiona." Ethan Allen tried to reason with her.

"Ethan Allen, I'm going to call the police now." Sophie had had enough.

She couldn't bear not knowing Aunt Watson's whereabouts.

Just as she was about to turn around and leave, Mia Stewart's sharp voice echoed out: "Call the police? Okay, then we won't treat Scarlett Watson, and we'll remove her oxygen tube immediately."

"No!" Sophie clenched her fists tightly, grinding out through her teeth, "Fine, I won't call the police."

Having said her piece, she left the Allen family home.

In Emperor City, there are dozens of hospitals. Therefore, she would search them one by one, to find Aunt Watson.

Watching Sophie leave in a flurry, Emily Allen screamed after her, laughing mockingly: "Don't forget to bring your toad husband to my birthday celebration!"