Chapter 33 How are you here?

"Evelyn Curtis had run into Brian White at Litchlodge.

But that was the only time she had ever seen him.

She knew that Brian was Justin Battleson's competent secretary, holding a position similar to that of Jones George.

Looking at this, it seemed that Justin Battleson still cared about her.

Otherwise, he would not have taken her request to heart.

"Justin, I'm sorry. I should've asked for your preferences, I was being unreasonable earlier." Evelyn Curtis's teary doe eyes, full of innocent regret.

"You can contact Jones George or Brian White for anything… they can handle matters on my behalf."

Justin Battleson's dark eyes dimmed slightly, his cold voice adding: "I'm very busy."

"Alright, I won't bother you then." Evelyn Curtis gritted her teeth, feeling upset internally but unable to express it.

She quickly packed the few thermal containers, picked up the bag and headed towards the door.