Chapter 69 His Apartment

"Let go of me! Let go!"

Sophie Allen struggled with all her might, but she couldn't beat the strength of this man.

Pulled ahead by him, her low weight was obvious, she had not eaten dinner, thus after putting in all her efforts, her complexion worsened.

It was when Justin Battleson led her into the lift that he noticed her pallid, bloodless face.

"You should take care of yourself at times like these." His brows nearly knitted together, his face extremely sullen.

Sophie felt sick to her stomach, the intermittent cramps made her clutch her belly and moved to the corner.

To keep her distance from this man.

"You don't have a place in Emperor City do you? When you aren't at Stardust Garden, you sleep in the hospital?" He glared at her deep in thought, cornering her and leaving her no place to run.

Sophie clamped onto her lips, but did not reply.

"The tonics I sent over, you didn't have them?" His voice seemed a few degrees colder.