Chapter 97: Astonishing Everyone

"Sophie Allen, are you robbing me?"

Ryan Richard's eyes widened as he hastily retrieved his phone, fuming, "This is all the money I have. Do you expect me to give it all to you?"

He couldn't believe that the Sophie Allen, who so willingly returned a few hundred yuan, had now become like this.

"So, you were pretending all along! I knew it! There could not be such a frugal woman like you, you were only pretending in front of me!" Ryan Richard pointed accusingly at her.

With a pale countenance, Sophie Allen laughed lightly, "It's up to you, Mr. Richard - transfer the money or..."

Ryan Richard gritted his teeth in anger.

Although he was a man, even if this video got out, he wouldn't feel anything. However, he was worried about the image of Richard Corporation.

Richard Corporation was about to launch a new perfume in the market, and he had to succeed in this project, to impress the elders, and secure his place as the CEO of Richard Corporation.