Chapter 103 The Root of all Evil!

Sophie Allen stood desolately in the rain.

She allowed the rain to beat down on her, thinking it might help her maintain some lucidity.

Despite exposing Ryan Richard's video, disrupting Emily Allen's birthday banquet, and witnessing the loss of face of both the Richard Family and Allen family, she ...

Drew no satisfaction from it at all!

She didn't feel gratified in the slightest.

This retribution for the evildoers was so insufficient, so trivial.

Suddenly, she felt as though something was blocking the rain from falling on her.

Upon regaining her senses and turning her head, Sophie was immediately stunned.

It was him ...

"Mr. Battleson, are you here for Emily's birthday banquet?" Sophie asked with a bitter smile, "Just a kind reminder that the banquet is about to end."

She really wanted to stay and see how the Allen family would handle everything, but she knew she couldn't linger.

The consequences of staying would only leave her vulnerable.