Chapter 109: My name is Adam Ross.

Abigail Taylor's previous mention sent chills down Sophie Allen's spine now that she reflected on it.

Hunched over, she dared not meet the eyes of the ailing man.

If she angered him, maybe her fingers would be crushed.

Setting the red wine on the coffee table, Sophie Allen turned to leave but was suddenly called to a halt:

"Wait a minute!"

The man's voice was clear and soft with a hint of weakness.

Sophie Allen stopped, turned around, and forced out a small smile: "Sir, do you have any other instructions?"

"Are you my brother's wife?" he asked her.

In the dim light, his handsome face flickered, pale as if he were a figure in a painting.

Sophie Allen was stunned for a moment, then asked, "Your Justin Battleson?"

"Yes," he replied.

"Legally, I am currently his wife, but we have no relationship. We are in our legal separation period and will be divorced in two weeks." she truthfully replied.