Chapter 121: I Will Definitely Not Let You Be Wronged

The Thompson family, in an imposing procession from the nearby BK Hotel, arrived at the hospital.

Half-reclining on the hospital bed was Charlotte Thompson, covered with a white blanket, as Henry Hudson and Jordan sat in chairs by her side.

Jason Thompson, leaning on a cane, came in first, with Uncle Jeremy Thompson helping him along.

Upon seeing Henry, Jason's expression subtly darkened, appearing exceptionally solemn: "Jordan, who is this gentleman?"

Jordan immediately stood up and answered: "Grandfather, this is Charlotte's friend, Henry Hudson, Mr. Hudson."

Henry Hudson, who had already stood up, quickly walked up to Jason and bowed deeply: "Good morning, Mr. Thompson."

After the greetings, Henry felt a layer of fine sweat on his palms.

Even though he often frequented grand scenes, he couldn't help but feel a bit of fear in this situation.

Especially in the face of Jason's strong aura.