Chapter 128 - The Beloved Little Princess


Jason cleared his throat, and the two brothers immediately halted their actions.

Jason stood up and walked up to Charlotte, a stern gaze on his face that instilled silence in his nephews.

"For such grown-ups, you sure lack manners."

Jordan and Jake wilted and lowered their heads, not daring to utter a word.

"It's fine, Grandpa. They just love kids."

Seeing this, Charlotte quickly interjected to help defuse the situation.

Jason maintained his stern expression: "Good, they love kids. But from now on, no one is allowed to meddle."

"If anything were to happen to my great-grandchildren, I will kick him out of the Thompson family."

While speaking, his gaze rested longer on Jordan.

Jordan was the youngest in the family, with a lively and playful personality.

"Huh? Grandpa! Aren't I your favorite?" Jordan faked a sad face.

"No, my favorite is Charlotte."

Jason didn't spare Jordan's feelings at all.