Chapter 148: What Do You Have to Fight Me?

Justin Battleson tossed his mobile phone onto the table, leaning back slightly annoyed, massaging his temples with his hand.

The villa door was knocked and opened. He didn't even glance at it, his brows just faintly furrowed in response.

The person who walked in from the door was Evelyn Curtis.

She was wearing a long white dress, adorned with lace and sequins on the hem, incredibly elegant.

She placed her Chanel bag on the couch, then sat down next to Justin Battleson.

Seeing his displeased expression, she moved a few steps towards him, her delicate hand wrapping around his wrist.

Justin Battleson's brows furrowed tightly. He suppressed his inner disdain and subtly moved a few steps away, casually shaking off Evelyn Curtis' hand.

The latter looked at her hand, now void of contact, a flicker of enigmatic light flashing in her eyes.

It was just a moment, the next second, her face was all smiles again.

"Justin, you look unwell; is something bothering you?"