Chapter 171 Identical

Jones George confirmed several times before he reported: "And, Miss Charlotte Thompson is now a participating designer in the jewelery contest."

Charlotte Thompson...

Justin Battleson was taken aback.

The woman who looks just like Sophie Allen.

She's flamboyant, gorgeous, and spirited...

Even without uttering a word, she grabs attention quickly.

Justin's dark gaze faltered, he shut his laptop, stood up to adjust his suit, and walked straight out.

"To the venue."

"Yes!" Jones George followed immediately.


The competition site.

Evelyn Curtis's nitpicking was only a small interlude in this round.

Charlotte Thompson and the other designers have all renewed their energy, preparing for the second round of the competition.

The second round of competition began, and the venue was still filled to capacity.

Compared to the last round, where the arena was filled with Evelyn Curtis's fans, now there was an extra professional audience who came solely for the design.