Chapter 178: Encounter Again

"I knew Charlotte would be crowned the winner."

"Nicely done, I wonder if that piece is for sale. I really want it!"

"Yeah, when you're a top designer, even with standard materials, you can create pieces that are absolutely breathtaking."

"Exactly, I was attracted by Charlotte immediately, she has such a fantastic aura, I never expected her to be Joy!"

A torrent of praise for Charlotte flooded the comment section.

Charlotte won this competition splendidly.

Not only because of Joy's reputation, but also her extraordinary ability, she truly deserved the championship.

The voting data have been publicly disclosed.

Charlotte's vote count led by almost ten times the second place, making her wonder if there was a problem with the system.

Along with the data, all the comments praised Charlotte and complimented her work.

Evelyn Curtis stared at the comments scrolling past with bloodshot eyes, her face alternating between pale and purple.