Chapter 249: Hiding a Secret Agenda

Compared to these people, Cindy and Charlotte Thompson remained calm, quietly sitting in their seats without uttering a word.

No one knew what they were thinking.

But when Justin Battleson mentioned the new wedding necklace for the queen of Ashton, Charlotte showed a hint of interest.

She sat there, a tranquil smile playing at the corners of her mouth, watching the ensuing squabble with amusement.

"You have the audacity to offer up your bandage-like designs for the queen's necklace."

Those usually in disagreement sneered, escalating to personal attacks, looking down on the abilities of the designers around them.

"And where do you get off acting all superior, your hands are like feet, your sketches barely pass as decent."

The targeted designer, unwilling to back down, rebutted harshly.

Each word was like a knife going straight to the heart.

If not for Justin still sitting there, they might've even come to blows due to their tempers.