Chapter 263: Being Good Friends with the Prince

"You're still as serious as ever, that's just why I like you." Diana Smith teasingly joked with Charlotte Thompson, her tone was extremely light-hearted.

If people were to hear how engaged in conversation Charlotte and Diana Smith, who was soon to be a royal princess, were, it would likely leave them gobsmacked.

During their conversation, Diana discarded her aristocratic demeanor. The two of them chatted just like best friends discussing everyday life.

"Enough chit-chat, tell me, why did you suddenly go to Druarus? You had a good career going here in Ashton, right?"

Charlotte was a little taken aback as Diana turned serious all of a sudden following the bantering.

In Diana's mind, Charlotte should have stayed in Ashton and focused on her career there.

Diana knew some of Charlotte's matters. Going back to Druarus could potentially lead to unnecessary troubles.