Chapter 285 You are Sophie Allen

"You... let me go." Charlotte Thompson realizing it, quickly pushed away Justin Battleson's hand, standing aside with a red face.

This Justin Battleson, seizing the opportunity to take advantage of her.

Justin Battleson's eyes were deep, surrounding her like the dark night, then he began to speak.

"Charlotte, I'm warning you for the last time, stop hanging out with Adam Ross."

Charlotte narrowed her eyes and looked up at Justin Battleson, there were some things she had been keeping to herself for a long time.

For some reason, seeing Justin's face made her want to vent everything out all at once.

"Justin Battleson, when will you be done, if you have so much free time, why don't you go for a walk, can you stop bothering me?"

With that, she tried to push Justin Battleson away.

But the next second, what Justin Battleson said stopped her in her tracks.