Chapter 328: Related to the Child?

Riley Group.

After dealing with a wave of documents, Justin Battleson closed his laptop and shut his eyes to rest.

For some unknown reason, once he was quiet, he couldn't stop thinking of Charlotte Thompson.

Images of Charlotte leaving kept flashing in his mind.

He always felt that her haste to leave was because of those children.

Children? Was Charlotte interested in children?

Although Justin didn't understand, he couldn't help but feel a strong curiosity about the child.

He pressed the call bell on his desk, and soon, Michael Richard appeared before him at light speed.

"Mr. Battleson, how may I assist you?"

"Bring me the surveillance footage from the lobby earlier."


Although Michael didn't know Justin's intentions, he had no choice but to obey.

Immediately obeying Justin's instructions.

Michael was always efficient and soon brought a USB drive containing the surveillance footage to Justin's desk.