Chapter 336: Sir, who are you looking for?

Hank Thompson looked at the retreating figure of Jordan Thompson and felt stuck with the chocolate in his mouth — he didn't know whether to swallow it or spit it out.

His uncle had said it was expired, but it tasted perfectly fine to him.

Grace Thompson saw right through him, gave a chuckle and said, "Just swallow it, Big Brother. The worst that expired chocolate can do is give you a stomach ache, it won't kill you."

Hank peevishly glanced at Grace, still finding it difficult to swallow.

It's not that he was afraid of dying. It was just that having experienced a stomach ache before, he knew it was arguably more uncomfortable than death itself.

"Alright, quit dawdling. Let's get up and have a meal. I think Mommy will cook for us. It's been a while since we've tasted her dishes."

Grace patted Hank's shoulder, then got out of bed and walked out on her own.

"Jordan, go buy some groceries. We're running low on food supplies here. I've sent you a list of what to buy on your phone."