Chapter 376: That Woman Has Two Brushes

Hank Thompson had no choice but to retreat back to his older brother Cyrus Thompson's side.

He wasn't sure if it was his imagination, but he always felt that his brother was very down today, with low pressure surrounding him.

He couldn't help but reach out and lightly pull on Cyrus's sleeve, asking in a soft whisper.

"Bro, did anyone hit you while you were coding today?"

The hand that Cyrus was using to type on the computer paused for a moment. He looked back at Hank coldly, and Hank quickly closed his mouth which was about to jabber some more.

Jordan Thompson quickly led them to the western restaurant.

At this hour, the restaurant was crowded, with fully booked VIP rooms, and the only seats available were some by the window.

Jordan settled the kids down before heading to the counter to order food.

"Did you hear about it? That news."

"What news?"

"You know, the one about Justin Battleson's alleged infidelity in the Riley Group."