Chapter 388: Best of Both Worlds

"So, what does Mr. Ross mean by that?"

Charlotte was rendered speechless, her voice tinged with unease. His words had somewhat affected her.

She lifted her eyes to look at Adam Ross. The dim lighting cast fluctuating shadows across his face, his gaze somber.

"Just as Miss Thompson has in mind, if Miss Thompson is willing to do me this favor, I hope she can return the custody of the child to me."

Adam Ross appeared calm. He was looking intently at Charlotte, who was not showing the disdain she was earlier. Instead, she now looked somewhat relieved.

"Mr. Ross, it's simply your word against mine for now. However, I can arrange for you to visit the children,"

"Really?" Adam Ross seemed barely able to believe it, his voice filled with surprise, as if he had not anticipated such a straightforward agreement from Charlotte.