Chapter 392: Fell into Her Hands

After finishing the final bottle of beer, Justin Battleson's consciousness began to blur.

He felt like he had lost his senses, leaving him in a strange realm.

In a daze, he saw Charlotte Thompson.

The woman was wearing a light-colored long-dress, white canvas shoes adorned her feet, and she carried a bag, her pinky finger slightly raised.

Her long hair flowed down her back, adorned with a light blue bow on her head.

She saw him and slightly furrowed her brows.

As their eyes met, Justin vaguely saw the woman lowering her head, rummaging through her bag for something.

After a few seconds, she lifted her head, the corner of her eyes raised with an air of undeniable authority.

She extended her hand toward Justin, a bank card sandwiched between her index and middle finger, her smile was sweet yet faintly cold, her voice soft.

"The money's all here, Mr. Battleson."