Chapter 395: Charlotte Thompson, I surrender.

As soon as the words left her mouth, Charlotte felt the child in her arms shudder violently.

She paused for a second, instinctively lowering her head to look at him.

Jack suddenly choked back a sob. His eyes were frighteningly red. The tears stubbornly refusing to fall.

Charlotte immediately became flustered. She tried to soften her voice as she gently asked: "Sweetheart, why are you crying? Did Mommy say something wrong?"

Upon hearing this, Jack shook his head. His low-hanging eyes full of sorrow.

A tinge of sadness in his voice.

"If mommy wants us to talk with that man, does it mean she wants to send us away?"

Charlotte's heart gave a painful lurch.

She quickly hugged Jack, denying it in a low voice: "Never. Both of you are mommy's treasures. Not only if you don't want to acknowledge Adam Ross, even if you do, mommy might not let you go away."