Chapter 404 Love for Family, Is a Priceless Treasure.

Jack Thompson could no longer hold back his tears, which fell down like rain while he cursed vehemently.

"You're not our father, you're a big bad guy... wu... big bad guy."

Adam Ross opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Charlotte Thompson. She leaned over to take two tissues from the table and gently wiped the tears from Jack's face.

She smiled helplessly, "No matter where you guys heard about it from, I promise, the story about chopping off someone's fingers is absolutely a rumour, nothing more."

Chad Thompson turned to look at her, his eyes slightly red, he tried to ask tentatively, "Mommy, is what you said true?"

"It's true, baby," Charlotte looked at him seriously and said, "I've known him for many years. Although he may be unkind and sometimes unreasonable, I need you to believe this is just a false rumour."

Her words were a mix of truth and falsehood, but Chad believed her, so he calmed down, a small curve emerging at the corner of his mouth.