Chapter 441: A Dog on the Verge of Death

He had underestimated Charlotte Thompson's abilities; he didn't expect her to act so swiftly.

However, simply being sent to prison was nowhere near enough for the hatred he had harbored for years.

Justin Battleson gently caressed a ring on his right pinky with his left hand, with a faint smile teasing the corners of his mouth. In his eyes, however, there was nothing but chilling depths.

The driver shivered somehow, stepping on the gas to speed up the car.


An hour later, at a prison on the outskirts of the north of the city.

Everyone that Justin had asked for had arrived, causing quite a stir, as he led a big crowd to storm into the prison.

Upon receiving the news, the prison warden hurriedly came out to see them. Seeing Justin, his face bloomed into a big smile.

Located in the remote suburbs, the prison was surrounded by wild, overgrown weeds. Under the scorching sun, the knee-high grass sagged lifelessly.