Going up the mountain again

Everyone praised Zhou Lan for her thoughtfulness and promised that they would complete building the house before sunset tomorrow. 

That night, those who helped Jiang Chuan were all smiling from ear to ear. Thinking that there will be more vegetables tomorrow, many of them were so excited it was as if it was the new year. 

In order to prevent any thieves, Jiang Chuan and Zhou Lan left their belongings in their neighbor's house. 

Jiang Chuan had learned that their neighbors were nice people from his conversation with the village chief. Most of them enjoy being alone which is why they moved to this part of the village.

Perhaps because of the excitement, Jiang Gu woke up earlier than usual and woke the whole family up.

Jiang Xia opened his eyes slowly and looked at the sky and figured out it was only about four o 'clock. However, when she remembered that she had to go up the mountain later, she resisted the urge to sleep and got up.