Hearts not at the same place

Old Sun's wife's face turned pale after hearing Jiang Xia's words.

Someone next to her sneered, "Yeah! Even a child knows that one should not take advantage of others. You as an adult don't understand that logic? What makes you think we will let you know the location just because you ask?"

Madam Sun knew that she couldn't win the argument so she said, "Just wait! I will make you regret it one day!"

After finishing what she had to say, she left with her other followers. 

After Madam Sun left, Jiang Xia was starting to worry. She had originally wanted to keep the plot of land with the wild vegetables a secret for as long as possible, but it seemed like it was not possible now. 

Now that Madam Sun had made the matter clear, it was hard to guarantee what everyone was thinking and their secret might just get out soon.

Beside her, Zhou Lan stroked her head and smiled. "Why are you sighing? It's said that sighing will take away all your good luck."