Entering the town in exchange for food

On the carriage, Jiang Xia moved closer to Jiang Gu and whispered, "Did you do what I asked you to do?"

"Yes! I said that you told me to say. But do you really think it will work? That woman had ruined our family's reputation."

Jiang Gu knew a lot despite being so young. She had realized a lot from hearing what the children she was playing with had been saying about her family. She felt so wronged.

Jiang Xia had asked her sister to let spread the information about their family's willingness to share the location of the harvest but was later stopped because of what Madam Sun had said. 

Jiang Xia patted Jiang Gu's little head and said, "It's okay. Reputation is something that can be built up over time. The villagers have long known what kind of person that woman is. She just gossips a lot because she is psychologically unbalanced and does not have much contact with our family. Everyone will come to realize what kind of a person she is."