Captured with the stolen goods

Jiang Fu glared at the man who spoke and gave his wife a look before saying, "Go get the key."

The old lady, Wang Fen, instantly understood and pretended to go back to the house to get the key, but she was stopped halfway by Jiang Gu.

"All of Grandma's keys are on her waist, she doesn't have to go back to the house to get them."

After saying that, Jiang Gu reached out her small hand toward her grandma's waist. 

Wang Fen tried to catch Jiang Gu but she was small and agile. She managed to run around without getting caught. 

When Jiang Gu touched the left side of her grandma's waist, her eyes lit up. She instantly pulled out a set of keys and waved it in front of everyone.

" There's a key to the cellar here. I saw Grandma unlock it before." Jiang Gu's crisp voice rang out in the crowd.

Jiang Xia nodded, feeling proud of her younger sister.