The Crown Prince of the Shen Family

Because Jiang Chuan was the one that started the exchange of wild vegetables, every time his family went to town, the others would all greet him.

As usual, they pulled four carriages. This time, in addition to exchanging wild vegetables, they also wanted to exchange some prey that they had caught.

They were lucky that they were pretty close to town. If they stayed far away, exchanging items would be really difficult. 

Jiang Chuan and the others had just arrived at the entrance of the town when they realized that it was different from before. The town seemed to be much livelier today.

Jiang Xia looked around and was surprised to find that most of the people walking on the street today were women. They were young, about sixteen or seventeen.

Xiao Wu controlled the carriages to the entrance of the Supply and Marketing Club and noticed a short man biting on a popsicle while looking at something else.