Education Must Start From a Young Age

Under Jiang Xia's despairing gaze, Jiang Gu repeated her words in detail. Jiang Gu's memory was indeed good, and Jiang Xia was still stunned when she heard it.

However, Zhou Lan's expression did not look good as she was frowning

Jiang Xia put a piece of braised pork in Jiang Gu's bowl and signaled for her to stop talking. However, Jiang Gu kept eating the meat and sighed, "Jiang Xia, the dishes in the restaurant are really delicious!"

Jiang Xia covered her face and let out a long sigh. She peeked at her mother's expression through her fingers.

"Xiao Xia, have you considered the consequences of saying these words?" Zhou Lan asked seriously.

Jiang Xia put down her hand and nodded with a bitter face.

Zhou Lan glanced at Jiang Gu and turned to Jiang Xia. "We have no power and no money. If your words are heard by someone with ill intentions and spread with others, do you know what the outcome will be?"