Getting Along

"When are you guys planning to go back?" Jiang Xia asked

Swaying gently on a rocking chair and fanning himself, Shen Mo replied, "Soon, we'll leave after the autumn harvest."

They had already surveyed the recent grain production areas and had a rough estimate of this year's yield. Once they were finished with the autumn harvest, they would be busy with their troops.

Upon hearing Shen Mo's words, Jiang Xia knew that the issue of grain production misreporting was soon to be resolved..

At that moment, Jiang Gu ran over, her large eyes staring expectantly at Jiang Xia.

"Sister, I've taught Er Ya and the others how to write. Can we eat the fruit now?"

This was a fruit that grew in the Jiangxia interspace. She didn't know what kind of seed she had brought in. When it entered the ground, the vines began to grow non-stop. What grew on it was a kind of red fruit.