New Plan

"I'm afraid it's a little difficult." Zhou Juan's father expressed his concern in response to the request from the Jiang family.

"We only hope for you to guide us to the county town. Nothing more," Jiang Chuan clarified.

The Jiang family had just arrived at Zhou Juan's home. Upon their warm welcome, Jiang Chuan shared his idea, which, to his surprise, seemed to place Zhou Juan's father in a difficult position.

Jiang Xia and Zhou Lan were nervous about this situation. Whether they could make it to the county town or not was crucial to their future happiness.

Especially when they saw the concerned look on Zhou Juan's father's face, Jiang Xia and Zhou Lan even thought about possible alternatives.

Jiang Chuan, with his inherent business instinct, quickly understood Zhou Juan's father's concern.