The Big Sellers

Before knocking, Jiang Xia had already heard voices inside, which gave her confidence. Shortly after, footsteps sounded from within and the door opened, revealing a woman in her forties, skinny and with rough skin.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"It's like this. My child followed me out for a long time and wants to drink some water. I wonder if your family can give my child a sip of water to drink."Since Jiang Xia had taken the lead, Jiang Chuan naturally couldn't be left behind. He took the lead and walked to the front to speak to the lady.

The woman, Jia Ju, glanced at Jiang Xia and saw that her lips were indeed dry. Considering that a child of her age might easily get thirsty, she lowered her guard, opened the door a little wider, and invited them in.

"Wait a moment, I'll get you some water."

"Auntie, there's no need to go through so much trouble. Just scoop some water for me." Jiang Xia said sweetly.