Who Are You Looking Down On

"Who are you looking down on? If I say I can afford it, then so be it. "After a long day, Jiang Xia learned a lesson: some people should not be treated kindly, or they would take advantage of the situation.

Upon hearing Jiang Xia's words, the salesperson didn't react at all, crossing her arms and snorting through her nose, "Fine then. These are two yuan per kilogram, and you'll also need half a kilogram of grain tickets. Just having grain tickets isn't enough, you need to have money too."

Upon hearing the price, Jiang Xia hesitated for a moment. She had only made six yuan from selling two wild rabbits; was it possible that the salesperson was trying to deceive her into buying these small biscuits at two yuan per kilogram?

"It's alright, girl, go ahead and buy it. Biscuits are a luxury these days; it's normal that they're sold at this price." Seeing Jiang Xia's hesitation, Jiang Chuan explained to her.