The Whereabout Of The Eldest Sister

Jiang Xia smiled at Jiang Gu's innocent words. She bent down to look at Jiang Gu and said, "There are many ways to show you're angry. Fighting isn't good, it uses a lot of energy and can hurt you. People often forget their pain once their wounds are better."

Jiang Gu looked confused.

"To win, we must find what someone fears losing most. What do you think our grandma fears losing the most?"

Both Jiang Xias didn't know what Old Madam Jiang cared about most.

In her memory, Old Madam Jiang only cared about herself. As long as she had good food and clothes, she didn't care about others.

Suddenly, Jiang Gu said, "I know!" She then whispered to Jiang Xia, "I saw grandma holding a small cloth bag once, and she was secretly discussing with grandpa about hiding it somewhere where no one could find it. It might have money inside it. I haven't seen grandpa and grandma care about anything else as much as that."