Something Exciting To See

After persuading Zhou Lan, Jiang Xia was ready to leave.

"By the way, what about your dad? Is he still going?" Zhou Lan asked, looking at Jiang Chuan lying on the bed as she was about to leave.

"Dad should stay home. Otherwise, that grandpa and grandma might order him around like a donkey, and we won't be able to stop them," Jiang Xia said.

Although Jiang Chuan wanted to mock the sick appearance of Old Madam Jiang, he had to admit that his daughter's concern was valid.

"If you really meet Doctor Li, ask him to come and see me too. Let's make this act look real," he said.

"Alright, I'll talk to Doctor Li when I see him."

Their family had enough to eat lately, thanks to the interspace water and interspace vegetables. Their bodies and faces looked healthier than others in the village.

Even the previously skinny Jiang Gu's face had filled out.