Giving Something

Jiang Xia gently patted Jiang Gu's back, singing a lullaby to lull her into slumber. "Sleep, sleep, go to bed early, a well-rested baby is always pretty."

The next morning, Jiang Xia woke up very early. She guessed that the adults had drunk alcohol last night and would probably have a headache today. So she prepared water mixed with interspace water to help with their hangovers.

Jiang Xia was also concerned about her aunt's two miscarriages. She suspected they might be recurrent miscarriages. She had read a bit about it in medical books at the library but didn't know the exact treatment. The best way would be medicines, like vitamin E, but they were unavailable. So, the only option was to use food as a remedy.

Her first thought was to give her uncle the sheep they had caught, which had grazed in the interspace and looked even healthier than modern farm sheep.