
Zhou Wan and Xu Niu set out early in the morning. The distance between the two villages wasn't very far, so they weren't in a rush. They walked leisurely, pausing now and then to rest, chat, and snack on wild vegetable pancakes.

Xu Niu took a big bite of the vegetable pancake Zhou Lan had packed for them. He was pleasantly surprised. Although he expected the pancake, having been kept overnight, to be tough, he found it resilient, moist, and still very delicious, even when cold. After eating it, he felt a sudden burst of energy, as if it made the lengthy walk seem effortless.

Not only did Xu Niu feel this way, even Zhou Wan felt the same.

"I never expected my second sister-in-law's cooking to be this good," Xu Niu commented. "The last time she cooked for us, it was tasty, but this is even better."