Which Vegetable To Plant

Jiang Xia watched her mother make shoe soles, deep in thought. She constantly worried about their vegetable garden. Suddenly, an idea struck her, and she said to Jiang Chuan, "Dad, how about we introduce different types of vegetables from our interspace and plant them at the mountain's base? This way, villagers can enjoy a change in taste and get more vitamins. Many villagers look thin and malnourished. Even if we can't provide them enough meat, a variety of vegetables can surely help."

Jiang Chuan looked at his mature and thoughtful daughter with pride. She always considered everyone's well-being and never just her own. He felt lucky to have such a daughter.

However, Jiang Chuan believed it wasn't just his upbringing that shaped Jiang Xia's generous nature. Her schooling and personal experiences played a significant role in molding her values.