Selling Isatis Root

Jia Guang was a prideful person and had never bothered to exploit the farmers. When Jiang Xia asked him to give them a fair price, so he would give them a higher price according to the market price for the sake of his pride.

Standing on the steps, Jia Guang looked down upon the family of four. He noticed a listless child, Jiang Gu, perhaps six or seven years old, holding a woman's hand. The girl hadn't even grown up yet and was already helping her family sell vegetables. Jia Guang felt pity for them.

But what Jia Guang didn't know was that Jiang Gu was only listless because she had woken up too early and was simply tired.

After a quick mental calculation, Jia Guang said, "The vegetables were priced at five yuan a basket. Seeing you all coming early in the morning, I'll raise it by another fifty cents. The meat sauce is two yuan a bottle. I want four bottles, which makes it eight yuan. In total, thirteen yuan and fifty cents. Count it."