What An Expensive Wine

The man who spoke had a square face and a neat buzz cut, he appeared very stern. His facial features were small, and closely spaced. Which seemed abit crowded on his broad face, as if a special effect had been activated to gather his facial features towards the center.

Jiang Xia noticed the man's nose was significantly reddened, showing signs of rosacea, suggesting he loved drinking alcohol. Continual drinking over time had likely led to this condition.

On the table were a plate of peanuts and cold cucumber slices, simple and economical food choices. However, the wine was premium Five Grain Liquor. It seemed this man not only loved drinking but also had a taste for the finer drinks.

The liquor, priced at two yuan a bottle, wasn't cheap. Jiang Chuan felt a pinch in his wallet. Yet, considering the importance tied to his eldest daughter's status, it was a necessary expense.