Bird Poop

When Jiang Xia was young, she often ate milk candies. Now, she reacts negatively to them. Just seeing a milk candy can make her nauseous. However, Jiang Gu has never tried one, so Jiang Xia wants to offer it to her.

However, seeing Zhou Juan's expectant face, Jiang Xia originally intended to save the milk candy for Jiang Gu. She reluctantly tore the soft candy wrapper in half, put half in her mouth, and the other half in Zhou Juan's hand.

At this moment, Zhou Juan's father, Zhou Yang, walked over and smiled amiably. He said to Jiang Xia," Xiao Xia, you can eat it yourself. You don't have to share it with her." If she can give you a candy, she must have another one in her pocket. Otherwise, our stingy Zhou Juan wouldn't have offered it."

Upon hearing her father tease her, Zhou Juan frowned and retorted, "I'm not stingy!"