The Mountain Is Good

Seeing the change in Zhang Ling's attitude, Jiang Xia mustered the courage to ask, "Sister-in-law, why did your family decide to live on the mountain? There's less food there, and it's inconvenient to go to the city. Why not live in the village?"

Zhang Ling said with a hint of pride, "That's not the case. The mountains are teeming with wild animals. The food there is far superior to what's in the village. The wild rabbits and roe deer you all catch are considered minor catches. Deeper in the mountains, you can find wild boars and even bears!"

Jiang Xia was amazed. They considered the roe deer small, even though they had traded it for dozens of kilograms of grain? But hearing about wild boars and bears, the roe deer did seem less significant.

It appeared that Zhang Ling's family lived quite well on the mountain.

Jiang Gu, having never seen a bear, was curious. "Sister-in-law, how big is a bear?"