Meeting Her Daughter

The Zhang family's home was located past a forest. Now in autumn, the fallen leaves made it look somewhat desolate. Beyond this forest lay a bamboo grove. While bamboos are usually green throughout the year, some bamboos had turned yellow with dark patches.

The entire forest was vast, and without guidance, one could easily lose their way.

When the Jiang family finally reached the place, they were stunned.

The Zhang family's home was much more luxurious than they had imagined!

Why? They had not one, but five houses! Even though each was a small wooden house, having five of them arranged within a courtyard was still astonishing.

Between two of the houses was a vegetable garden and a chicken coop. A graceful woman wearing a headscarf and holding a basket was feeding the chickens. Every now and then, they could hear her laughing, admonishing a chicken, "Da Huang, stop snatching food from Xiao Bai; look, she's smaller than you!"