Battle Between Mother-In-Law and Daughter-In-Law

Indeed, after hearing Jiang Xia's words, Zhao Wan and Liu You both looked displeased. Zhao Wan was annoyed at Liu You, while Liu You looked pale, as if her attack had been deflected, not only missing the mark but also making herself uncomfortable.

Jiang Qing was stunned. She hadn't expected that in the two years they hadn't seen each other, her originally reserved and reticent younger sister had developed a sharp-tongued and vengeful character. However, she quickly felt relieved. With such a personality, her sister wouldn't be bullied when she's out, which was great!

Jiang Xia hadn't had enough and continued, "It's my fault for not noticing how valuable your clothes are, sister. I forgot to compliment you, which probably angered you. I'll pay more attention next time!"

"It's not what she meant..." Liu You tried to explain, seeing Zhao Wan's face growing colder, but she was interrupted by Zhao Wan.