
Jiang Xia had a realization, "That's right! I can also pull out the grass from my interspace to feed the animals, so the excessive food doesn't have to occupy space. Moreover, these animals can all be stored in my interspace. When we pass through Locust Tree Bay, we can trade them for money or items at the market. It's truly killing multiple birds with one stone! Dad, you're so smart."

Jiang Chuan, praised by his daughter, smiled proudly. Then, he helped Jiang Xia encircle the field with radishes and wild grasses about two meters away, forming a large ring.

Each of them held a bottle of interspace water. They dared not pour too much water in one spot, fearing an uneven density in the circle. So, they sprinkled the water bit by bit.

After about half an hour of toiling, they finally finished. Before they could rest, they heard the footsteps of approaching animals.