Jade Bracelet

The man sized up Jiang Chuan with a glance. While Jiang Chuan appeared modestly dressed, his demeanor and speech exuded a grandeur that hinted at wealth. The man gestured towards an area he usually didn't dare to casually stroll, "Yes, there are rare items there, but it's all about luck. You'll have to go and see for yourself what's available. Just make sure you bring enough money."

Jiang Xia recognized the area as the same one where she had earlier spotted a pearl transaction. It seemed the items in the black market were indeed rare, and the twelve coins entry fee might be worth it after all.

After the man left, Jiang Chuan imitated the way the man sold vegetables, and as expected, more customers approached him.

Jiang Chuan's vegetables were fresher, larger, and reasonably priced – not exorbitantly high. Hence, many were eager to buy from him.