Falling Out

Jiang Gui was stunned. He was aiming at Jiang Xia, so how did his slap land on his son's face?

Rubbing his eyes in disbelief, he stared at Jiang Lai, who had suddenly appeared in front of him. "Why did you move in front?"

With a pitiful look, tears started to form in Jiang Lai's eyes. "Dad, why did you hit me?"

Jiang Gui quickly comforted his son, blowing on the swollen spot with concern.

Zhou Lan watched the two of them with a hint of cold amusement. If she hadn't quickly moved Jiang Lai in front of Jiang Xia, that slap would have landed on her beloved daughter's face. If he had dared to hit Jiang Xia, Zhou Lan was ready to make sure Jiang Gui wouldn't get up today.

Thankfully, Jiang Gui and Jiang Lai were too busy tending to the injuries to notice how Zhou Lan had managed to move the hefty Jiang Lai so swiftly.