Who Will Be the Accountant?

Tian Zao's words sounded bureaucratic, making people uncomfortable when hearing them. Still, captain Zhou decided to find out who she was talking about.

"Who do you recommend, Director Tian?"

After a slight pause, Tian Zao couldn't remember the person's name right away. "Uh... Wang Xing! Yes, it's Wang Xing."

It wasn't surprising that Tian Zao couldn't remember Wang Xing. She had just met him and received gifts from him, implying she needed to do a favor for him in return.

Wang Xing was one of the few in the village who knew that Tian Zao would soon replace the chief captain. This knowledge was obtained after navigating through multiple connections and inquiries.

Upon learning Tian Zao was to become the new chief captain, Wang Xing prepared gifts and rushed to Tian Zao's home in the county town. Initially puzzled by the gift of milk and eggs, Tian Zao understood his intentions when Wang Xing introduced himself and stated his purpose.