
Zhou Lan sneered and said to the chief captain, "Captain, Jiang Chuan went to great lengths to get these one thousand kilos of seeds, just so we can take advantage of the moist soil in the fields these days, ensuring the seeds grow well. How come, when others talk about it, it's said that Jiang Chuan abused his power for personal gain?"

The chief captain's gaze was sharp as he looked at Wang Xing and his wife. "What's going on?"

The two stuttered and hesitated. At that moment, a villager stepped forward and explained the whole story to the chief captain, repeating word-for-word what Wang Xing had said.

Although the chief captain's face remained expressionless, his eyes betrayed his anger.

All the trouble Wang Xing caused was over the accountant position. First, he called Director Tian to argue, then he spread rumors, turning a good deed into something malicious. He even spread rumors that the chief captain was profiting from it. This was truly unbearable.